No Longer Afraid

by Kathryn

After a seven year relationship, one night my boyfriend started choking me. When he left for work the next day I packed some clothes, got in the car and drove from North Carolina to Chattanooga. I had no self-esteem when I arrived at CRITI. Thanks to group and individual counseling I will never make the same mistake about men again.

Before leaving North Carolina I never needed social services. Right away I got a fulltime job in Chattanooga so no food stamps, vouchers, or any other kind of public assistance. I wanted to support myself, but I was never good at budgeting and saving my money.  CRITI taught me how to do that.

After I graduated from CRITI and moved into permanent housing I slept on the couch in the living room until my roommate moved in.  I wanted to be able to hear if a car drove up and felt too isolated in the bedroom at the back of the house. That’s what fear does to you.

93% of homeless women have suffered abuse at some point in their lives. CRITI provides individual and group counseling as well as referrals to local therapists.

CRITI showed me that I am not just a homeless person, but a human being, and how amazing I am! I know that I can get different results by making different choices. Now I have a cozy home, a solid job, a decent car, and a good friend who understands my journey. Also, I adopted a stray cat and named him Boo. He likes to cuddle when he first wakes up.

I’m happier than I have ever been. Someday I would like to take a long motorcycle trip in the mountains, which I love.  I’m not afraid anymore.

"CRITI showed me that I am not just a homeless person, but a human being, and how amazing I am! I know that I can get different results by making different choices."

CRITI Provides Emotional Care

With your support, Chattanooga Room in the Inn is able to extend services for emotional healthcare to graduates who are still connected through their permanent housing arrangements. In this case Kathryn and her roommate, who is also a graduate of our program, are renting a house owned by CRITI through the Home Again Program.